SBC Digital Summit: How COVID-19 is affecting online casino and poker

Keeping the day’s theme of leadership in the iGaming industry, the first couple of panels of day 2 of the SBC Digital Summit focused quite a bit on how CEOs are being leaders while their teams are all working remotely, but they also looked to the two verticals that might keep some operations alive.

First up, Moderator Ivan Filletti, COO of Gaming Malta, asked how the panelists continue to lead. The best advice would be to “Cut the crap” began Alex Tomic, CEO of Alea. We spend more time talking about ourselves, he said, but we really need to recreate the human link lost from this office. He believes that remote meetings lend themselves to a bit of tunnel vision, cutting down on both innovation but also empathy. There’s a need to ask people how they are doing, and if they are well.

Ariel Reem, CEO of Genesis Group, pointed out that there’s an element of education involved. Many employees don’t know how to work remotely, and this has all been a process of learning how to work differently. But after a couple of weeks of adapting, it’s about planning ahead, and anticipating this situation might last a while.

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