ShowPay: ‘Ethereum is a toy,’ and BSV works as payment layer for any asset

This is a guest contribution by Jon Southhurst, writer at He interviews ShowPay’s Sunny Fung, who helps answer for so many gambling operators why Bitcoin SV is the only real choice for businesses looking for a blockchain that can handle their volume of data and transactions. This article first appeared on

Who needs BTC or ETH when you can tokenize it on a blockchain that actually works for payments? Companies like ShowPay are building wallets that let you send and receive other digital assets without the excessive fees or unreliability that burden some popular chains.

They are showing how Bitcoin SV itself can function as a payment layer for any other digital asset—like Lightning Network does (or should) for BTC, without the need for extra node equipment or the cumbersome (and often risky) process of funding and maintaining channels. Users don’t even need to convert BSV to BTC or other tokens for transactions between wallets; the change happens automatically.

We profiled ShowPay last December after they released a short demonstration video and announced an upcoming beta test for merchants. While the global COVID19-related chaos has slowed rollout for many services, ShowPay is currently testing in China and is still on track to roll out its system across the world over the coming years.