Training operations on esports, the ‘effective and efficient’ way

Does anyone else remember sports? They were these games, often involving balls, that grown adults would play, and so many of us would gain enjoyment from them by watching and betting on them. Whole gambling operations would revolve around providing a service for customers to do exactly that.

Unfortunately, most sports ended quite some time ago, but those same operators have ingeniously turned to alternatives for their customers to bet on. While zanier options, like betting on the weather and marbles, have taken plenty of the spot light, esports has started to really prove itself as an opportunity for action.

I can tell you from experience though, when you gear your operation around basketball and various types of football, suddenly expecting staff to be knowledgeable about what was once a niche product like esports can be challenging. Sure, the basic concepts of the betting mechanics and odds involved don’t change much, but running a superior shop means having agents who can speak to their customer about the product being offered.

So right about now, some operations might be thinking about giving their agents a crash course, or a refresher, to their agents in esports. To best understand how to do that, I reached out to Romil Hombrebueno, Director of Philippine Operations at Rocket Station, a virtual business processing outsourcing firm, and was a former colleague of mine in gambling operations.