Students in the U.K. wiil soon get an education on how to approach gambling the right way. Starting in September, the Department of Education has ordered gambling to be a compulsary part of the curriculum for teenagers..
U.K. Schools Minister Nick Gibb noted the program will focus on the harms of gambling as well as other debt-related matters. It will be included as part of a compulsory ‘Personal, Social, Health and Economic’ (PSHE) education program.
Gibb explained: “I want to ensure every child understands the risks, which is why we are making health education — including issues such as addiction and cumulative debt — compulsory from September.”
This has been tried before by Demos, which released the results of a two-year pilot education program in 2018. The program was intended to give students the tools so they would recognize risky behavior, such as gambling. The program included 650 14-year-olds who were shown how to “weigh risk, identify manipulative behavior, manage impulses and help others” who may have a problem.