22 Pieces of Advice for World Series of Poker Virgins

The World Series of Poker is the Holy Grail for poker players both professional and amateur alike and Lee Davy gives the virgins 22 pieces of advice to take heed of during their first foray into the poker section of their bucket list.

The World Series of Poker (WSOP) is Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. It’s pitch side seats at the World Cup Final. It’s an orgy. It’s a duet with Rihanna. It’s my wife’s gluten free pancakes.

Everyone who knows anything about poker wants to be there. Not everyone is fortunate enough to make the trip. If you love poker, you need to make the effort. It’s an experience you will never forget. It’s a bucket list item that’s more doable than rolling around with George Clooney in a bathtub full of cold baked beans.

With that in mind, here are 22 tips for the virgins who will venture into the desert hoping that they return home without an STD, money in their wallet, and a bad beat story to tell.