3-Barrells: Jeff Gross Joins Global Poker Link; Ranking Hero Launch Trixir; LA Times Op-Ed Supports Online Gambling

Three news stories rolled into one after Jeff Gross joins Global Poker Link, Ranking Hero launches Trixir and the LA Times publishes an editorial backing the licensing and regulation of all online gambling and not just fantasy sports.

We will start this titillating triumvirate of tales with more news emanating from Global Poker Link.

Tyler Hancock’s business is making waves thanks to their innovative staking platform allowing punters to take shares of professional poker players playing both live and online while sweating the action on Twitch (online).

Jeff Gross has joined the team. The high stakes regular immediately offered up staking options for his Aussie Millions package. He wasn’t alone. Canadian Courtney Gee also joined the team and started selling pieces of her Turbo Championships of Online Poker (TCOOP) on PokerStars. Dylan Hortin also has a package available for the TCOOP series.