3 Barrels: Full Tilt Funeral Date; 1,500 Sad Souls; REG SCOOP Pledge

3-Barrels of pure value including the time of Full Tilt’s funeral, 1,500 former American-based Full Tilt players have their petitions denied, and Raising For Effective Giving (REG) look to the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) to change some lives.

James Altucher was talking about minimalism. He wrote a blog post on it, pissed people off, and then followed up with a podcast to respond to those with rattled cages.

Altucher talked about clearing physical items as a way to help clear some mental space. At one point he talked about throwing away his college diploma. It had sentimental value. His award went into the bin along with his sentimentality.

Inspired by the man I opened my wardrobe and tried to be chic when I came face to face with my silver Full Tilt Jersey.