$500K hack challenge backfires on blockchain lottery SmartBillions

In a bid to find any weak spots before their initial coin offering (ICO) launch, ethereum-based lottery SmartBillions came up with an idea to invite hackers to hack their smart contract.

And the result, as they say, is history. They got hacked.

SmartBillions claims to be “the first fully decentralized and transparent lottery managed by an Ethereum smart contract.” The company plans to launch a “transparent” ICO for their SmartBillions Play tokens on October 16, but before that day comes, the development team wants to test their smart contract’s “comprehensive security.”

On October 2, the team went on Medium to challenge hackers to take a stab at finding any weak spots with a prize fund totaling 1,500ETH (estimated US$500,000). The prize will go to “the hacker who can manage to find a way to break into the smart contract and withdraw the funds,” the team said.