AI may take over the world, but they will never crack poker commentary

The world’s smartest people worry that Artificial Intelligence will turn the human race into paper clips, but as PokerStars show in their latest innovation, they will never crack poker commentary.

I was always a Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) man myself. Due to rights issues, none of the players bore their real name, and I would spend the first week in ‘Edit Mode’ updating all the squad names.

I preferred PES over FIFA because of the quality of gameplay, but soon FIFA caught up, and EASports turned me. One of the things I loved about FIFA was the quality of the replays. I was hooked on watching the post match action, and the only thing that let it down was the commentary.

From watching your replays on FIFA to begging the byline bystander for a copy of the VHS he created of your U12 Cup Final, people love to receive an injection of ego crack by reliving the past, and PokerStars have picked up on it.