Almost 40 Japanese municipalities may bid for an integrated resort

According to the Japanese media outlet Nihon Keizai Shinbun, there are now almost 40 municipalities in the country that are interested in joining the bidding process for Japan’s recently approved integrated resort (IR) market. It’s going to be a tough competition, however, as only three IRs are expected to be authorized in the initial round. Any additional IR approvals won’t come for another five to seven years following the launch of the first three.

Earlier this month, Japan’s Cabinet held an “IR Explanation Meeting” with local governments and tourism officials. The turnout was better than expected and the licensing process is going to be more arduous than originally anticipated.

The Cabinet stressed in the meeting that the government wants to move quickly on selecting the finalists for the first three IR locations. If a municipality wants to be considered, it is going to have to start making preparations immediately to ensure that its bid is accepted properly.

Many anticipate that some of the municipalities will back off and decide not to try for an IR during round one. However, as indicated by the media outlet, there was little indication that so many municipalities were interested in being considered.