Aussie crossbench duo back online poker legalization

The fight for legalization of online poker in Australia gets a big boost after two crossbench senators have thrown their support for the regulation of the game.

Crossbench senators David Leyonhjelm and Cory Bernardi are supporting the legalization of poker in Australia since the game is after all a low-risk activity. Both legislators also frowned at the idea linking problem gambling and online poker.

“Australian online poker players deserve to have a safe, regulated environment in which to enjoy their pastime and not be forced into using offshore sites,” Sen. Leyonhjelm told parliament, according to the Australian Financial Review report.

Regulating online poker, according to the two Aussie legislators, will also mean additional income for the federal government. Sen. Leyonhjelm suggested that the government should also create a new federal agency that will oversee online gambling in Australia.