Becky’s Affiliated: London is a hotbed for BCH, here’s how you can join the craze

Following the success of the inaugural bComm Conference in Hong Kong coupled with the BCH-chain tokenization capability announcement, the amount of inquiries I personally receive regarding opportunities in Bitcoin BCH have skyrocketed.

Such inquiries are coming in from iGaming professionals, Blockchain enthusiasts, conference organizers, friends, family- you name it- from all around the globe, about anything and everything to do with BCH.

Predictably and lucky for me, a number of these interested parties are London-based, a phenomenon our Founder Calvin Ayre pointed out in a September 2017 interview.  “The convergence of online gaming and Bitcoin is actually in London, it’s the global leader in both those spaces right now”, he said.

With this information under our hats, there are several BCH-focused events coming up in the London area that everyone, including iGaming professionals with an interest in BCH and Blockchain, should consider attending.