Billionaire Steve Wynn tosses verbal grenade at ‘poor people’ during Vegas expansion announcement

Casino mogul Steve Wynn has some choice words about the less fortunate.

On Wednesday night, the Wynn Resorts chairman told investors that his company is like a luxury brand—much like Chanel and Louis Vuitton—that  focuses on people with money.

“Rich people only like being around rich people,” Wynn said in a presentation. “Nobody likes being around poor people, especially poor people. So we try and make the place feel upscale for everyone, that is to say, we cater the people who have discretion and judgment and give them a choice and we are consistent in that.”

In fairness to the man who is worth an estimated $2.7 billion, the incendiary gaffe does not represent Wynn’s entire remarks. The casino boss was probably pointing out that what his company is not like other casinos and hotel chains because it tries to create “an environment of wealth” at all of his properties that will draw all kinds of crowds.