Bitcoin SV Scaling Test Network is open for business

The Bitcoin SV Scaling Test Network (STN) is now open for business. Enterprises and developers who want to test Bitcoin’s scaling limits for their applications and services are invited to use the STN, and contribute to the future of an unbounded Bitcoin blockchain.

The STN is an initiative of Bitcoin Association’s Bitcoin SV Node project, developed by nChain with funding from CoinGeek; transaction traffic is provided by the Satoshi Shotgun (Professional Stress Test) team. This global public network is continuously loaded with transactions to enable BSV developers to test under heavy load. Interested businesses and developers globally can join and use the STN to test Bitcoin applications and systems that require large transaction volumes or large data capacity.

Big scaling is what separates Bitcoin SV (BSV) from other blockchain projects, and why businesses should build applications on BSV. Named for the “Satoshi Vision” of Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto, BSV is the only project following the original Bitcoin protocol and vision – which commits to massive scaling of the blockchain so Bitcoin can become the world’s new money used by billions of people, and the global data ledger for enterprises.

That is why Bitcoin SV is building scaling capacity for not today, but the future. In the last six months the BSV blockchain has already increased its capacity from 20 to 400 transactions per second. The BSV Scaling Test Network has already been tested at significantly higher volumes handling 1200 transactions per second sustained continuously over a 7-day period in March 2019. Last month’s test results for BSV are therefore close to Visa and MasterCard payment network capacity, which handle close to 1,700 transactions per second (15 million transactions per day). By February 2020, BSV is expected to scale to significantly exceed Visa and Mastercard average transaction capacity. Beyond then, its future scaling plans will provide transaction capacity far exceeding anything in existence today by removing any default block size limit on the BSV blockchain. The BSV blockchain can handle more than just payments, but also token, smart contract, Internet of Things and many other types of data transactions for the world’s enterprises.