Blockchain Poker switches default currency to Bitcoin Cash

Yet another online gambling platform has made the switch to Bitcoin Cash (BCH), the only true Bitcoin and the world’s functional cryptocurrency.

On Tuesday, Blockchain Poker announced that its app’s currency now defaults to Bitcoin BCH as the cryptocurrency allows the platform to “ensure that people are continually blown away by just how amazing cryptocurrencies can be.”

When it started out in 2015, Blockchain Poker originally supported BTC due to its low fees, reliable transactions and growing ecosystem. But that growth came to a stop in 2017, when the SegWit BTC chain moved away from the original Satoshi Nakamoto white paper’s vision of a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system.” BTC blocks remained capped at only 1MB in size, resulting in massive backlogs due to its inability to scale.

“Now in 2018, high network fees and limited block space have priced out most of Bitcoin’s original use cases and driven away both businesses and users (yes, users, not hodlers) and industry growth continues to take place using other platforms; mainly Ethereum tokens, Bitcoin Cash, or other ‘crypto-like’ proprietary closed-source platforms,” the Blockchain Poker said.