Buddhist monk achieves enlightenment by winning Thai lottery

Buddhists in Thailand are arching their eyebrows after a local monk claimed a six-figure lottery jackpot.

On Friday, local media reported that Phra Prawit Techapalo, a 41-year-old monk at a temple just outside Bangkok, had claimed a THB 6m (US $173k) lottery prize. Phra Prawit claimed the lucky numbers were revealed to him while pondering the texture of a (money?) tree on the monastery grounds.

Phra Prawit said he’d been playing the lottery for years, buying several tickets per month, and that he planned to use his windfall to buy his mother a house, put his kid through school and pay for the funeral of the temple’s abbot, who recently shuffled off this mortal coil.

Phra Prawit’s good fortune has ruffled the feathers of some Buddhists, given that adherents are supposed to have liberated themselves from the tyranny of such earthly desires as rolling around in beds made of money.