Charity in Poker: Is It Time For Poker’s Givewell to Emerge?

In a week that has seen both the World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour announce the raising of close to $5m in charitable donations, Lee Davy ponders whether it’s time for the poker community to create a better system for evaluating effectiveness?

If you live in the UK, you cannot avoid the masses of people and shops selling poppies to raise money for the Royal British Legion. As you leave the supermarket carrying, produce taken for granted you don’t bat an eyelid when buying one. It’s for a good cause, right?

The Mail Online recently revealed that of the sales of over 800,000 ceramic poppies, sold last year for £25 each, only a third of the money found its way into the bank accounts of related charities.

Of the £23m raised through sales, only £9.5m was donated to charities representing forces. 60% of the money raised was either eaten up by costs or taken in revenue.