Companies benefit from reducing risk of problem gambling, NCPG says

Gaming companies can benefit both customers and themselves by helping to minimise problem gambling, according to Keith Whyte, the Executive Director of the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), who will be appearing in a GiGse in San Francisco later this month.

The NCPG, which was set up in 1972, is a non-governmental organisation whose purpose is “to serve as the national advocate for programmes and services to assist problem gamblers and their families” and describes itself as “neutral on legalised gambling”.

Whyte will outline the NCPG’s stance during an Open Space session on the future of gambling regulation in the US at GiGse on April 20.

With the gambling industry growing and the potential for exponential growth through the possible future legalisation of internet gaming across a number of US states, including California, the NCPG is using GiGse as a chance to highlight the dangers of problem gambling to companies as well as customers.