Confessions of a Poker Writer: The Four C’s

Lee Davy continues his confessions series with a little ditty about reaching forty, the changes that are happening in his life, and the importance of the four c’s.

I’m changing.

I can feel it.

It started when I quit alcohol. That was five years ago. Drunkenness changed to sobriety-sobriety changed to holistic health. In those five years everything has changed.

I fell out of love, I got divorced, I left my home, I moved back in with my parents, I lost the intimacy of fatherhood, I quit my job, I created a new job out of thin air, I fell in love again, I remarried, I found the intimacy of fatherhood again, I moved out of my parents, I created a new home, I started traveling, I stopped gambling, I got out of debt, I started investing, I became a vegetarian, I became a vegan, I started a daily yoga practice, I started a daily meditation practice, I started a daily running practice, I stopped watching pornography, I started a daily journaling practice, I started a daily gratitude practice, I started reading one book per week, I wrote my first book and I started to donate money to charity.

That’s a lot of change.

But that’s nothing compared to the feelings I have in my mind, body and soul as I turn 40. I’m not sure if it’s wisdom, but I feel this pull towards those less fortunate than me. I feel a pull towards the earth. Like the salmon and the birds. I feel like I am being pulled along by a force that is unknown to me.