Daily fantasy sports players would keep playing even if sports betting was legal

The overwhelming majority of US daily fantasy sports (DFS) players say they would continue their DFS activity even if sports betting was made legal and accessible.

Eilers Research analysts spoke to 1,420 DFS players between June 18 and July 9 to determine their DFS habits and preferences. The survey found that 98% of DFS players were male, a significantly higher percentage than the estimated 66% of males who partake in season-long fantasy sports. (Read the whole survey results here.)

The survey also found that the overwhelming majority (91.6%) of DFS players are Caucasian. A majority (51%) of players are between the ages of 25-35 years and 59% of players have an average annual household income of $75k or higher.

Slightly less than two-thirds (62%) of DFS players had been playing daily contests for less than two years. Football was the preferred DFS option, followed by baseball, basketball, golf, hockey and NASCAR, with soccer and mixed martial arts bringing up the rear.