DNA test to determine Thailand lottery jackpot winner

Ownership of a disputed Thailand lottery jackpot could come down to the results of a DNA test.

In November, the Thai lottery issued a THB 30m (US $920k) jackpot prize to Charoon Wimon, a retired policeman. However, this award was quickly challenged by Preecha Kraikruan, a 50-year-old teacher, who claimed he’d lost the five first-prize lottery tickets that had won the twice-monthly draw.

Wimon’s winnings had already been deposited into his bank account, but with ownership of the jackpot under challenge, Wimon’s winnings have been frozen. The retired cop wasn’t pleased by this development, and his lawyer has accused a Royal Thai Police officer of attempting to pressure Wimon into sharing his winnings with Kraikruan to close the case.

Police have now determined that the best way to resolve the dispute is to subject the winning tickets to forensic investigation. This will include an examination of any finger prints found on the tickets, as well as determining whether Kraikruan’s DNA is present on the tickets. The results of these tests are expected to be available sometime in January.