Double Barrel: DiCaprio owes Keating poker debt; Damon talks Rounders

Two short news stories from the world of entertainment after the former Boyzone star, Ronan Keating, told Australian radio that Leonardo DiCaprio owed him some poker funds, and Matt Damon talks Rounders. 

When Molly Bloom was doing the rounds, one of her revelations was that Tobey Maguire used to bring Leonardo DiCaprio to THE underground game, not because DiCaprio was a force to be reckoned with, but because he was not.

The Bloom tongue wag was that DiCaprio was the piece of meat at the table that the billionaire businessmen wanted to rub, so after the game, the yacht and tiny island owners could show people the blood on their hands and smile with glee as they explained whose blood it was.

DiCaprio’s involvement in the game isn’t purely to act as Maguire’s poker patsy. The Academy Award winner is a keen player, and this week it came to light, that DiCaprio enjoyed a spot of poker while on the set of The Great Gatsby.