Doug Polk breaks the tape, wins $1.2m from Daniel Negreanu

The battle to win the ugliest heads-up duel in poker history is over. Doug Polk trounced Daniel Negreanu over 25,000 hands of poker and won $1,200,000 after their heads-up game ran the longest session of the series to close out the drama.

Polk had been pegged back just a fortnight ago after Canadian poker legend Negreanu won $390,000 in a single session – the biggest amount either man won in the months long epic poker duel. But it was the younger man who eventually sealed the win with a mammoth victory of his own, stunning Kid Poker to the tune of over a quarter of a million dollars across the biggest number of poker hands played in one session.

As Polk himself announced on Twitter:

Session: +$255,722 over 1718 hands