ESIC’s suspicious betting alert network uncovers Dota 2 cheating incident

Esports Integrity Coalition’s suspicious betting alert network works. The system recently identified an irregular betting pattern in a DOTA2 match that has led to a suspension for a player who admitted betting on his team to lose. 

While I was waiting for my mate to brush his teeth, I would put take a pound note from the mantlepiece and stuff it into my schoolbag. I once walked into WHSmiths, ripped open a new set of headphones, plugged them into my Walkman and calmly walked out, and I have asked professional poker players for advice when I have run deep in online poker tournaments.

I once confessed to being the single perp after someone handed a playing card showing a woman manhandling a horse’s cock to the headmistress. They weren’t my playing cards, but I took the blame. I once stood up in the middle of a business meeting and spoke out on behalf of my lower-level managers and received no support.

When it comes to my integrity, there are times when I had felt like Spartacus and other times when the thought of financial gain suffocated my screams.