Esports betting cryptocurrency eGold presale with a breaking record

The online betting solutions provider UltraPlay has announced that the eGold presale tokens were all sold out under 24 hours reaching the hard cap before the end presale date February 8th.

The eGold project dedicated to the global eSports betting sector has successfully reached its presale hard cap of 500 eth giving a 20% bonus to the ICO members. The first stage of the ICO campaign collected around $ 500, 000.

444,444 EGL (10% of the total amount of tokens for sale) were distributed at this stage following the company’s roadmap and vision to provide various incentives to its community.

Mario Ovcharov, CCO at eGold commented: “The presale was planned to end on February 8th but we reached our hard cap so fast on the first day, which made us really excited and proud of our project and our community of supporters. We would like to thank all who took part in our project now. This is a solid proof of the huge potential that eGold holds for the industry and its members. We can’t wait to start the eGold sale which promises to achieve even better results.”