Full Tilt Remissions Process: 92% of Players Made Whole

92% of former US-based Full Tilt Poker players are wearing smiles where groans once roamed after players started surfacing on 2+2 to tell people that the money had started to land in their bank accounts.

Former US based players on Full Tilt Poker have been leaping out of their hammocks as money they never thought they would see again started raining into their bank accounts these past few days.

In October, Poker Players Alliance (PPA) Executive Director, John Pappas, informed the poker world that agreement had been reached with the United States Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section (AFMLS) to release a further $5.7m to an estimated 2,000 people. That money has been reaching bank accounts all over the states these past few days.

Trawling through the FTP Remissions Issues Thread on 2+2, it seems there was no forewarning over the arrival of funds. There was no e-mail, no phone call, and no package via carrier pigeon. You either got lucky, or you didn’t.