Gambling Marketing Musings: The first date with SolveForWhy

In today’s, gambling marketing musings column Lee Davy shares the sordid details of his first date with SolveForWhy and why he wants to get much, much, dirtier.

‘Printing money’ was a hackneyed phrase when I joined the poker industry. I tried printing some myself. I must have had a duff press. The first person I heard chucking the words out of his gob was Martin “Dr. Giggy” Fournier Giguère. Dr. Giggy was a lead coach at BlueFirePoker. I met him once at the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and was a tad starstruck.

But here’s the thing with online poker training sites back in the day.

You could remove the logo from all of them, jumble them up, replaster them randomly, and nobody would have known the difference. While online training sites had the odd gem of a Giggy, a distinctive brand voice was as rare as mustard on a baby’s sandwich.