GameCo’s video game gambling machines win GLI certification

Skill-based gambling device maker GameCo has won certification from Gaming Laboratories International (GLI), paving the way for a wider rollout of GameCo products in casinos across the United States and beyond.

On Tuesday, GameCo proudly announced that GLI had certified the company’s Video Game Gambling Machines (VGM) under GLI-11, the global gold standard for casino gambling device respectability. GameCo CEO Blaine Graboyes called GLI’s stamp of approval “a huge milestone for GameCo, and for all skill-based gambling products.”

GameCo’s VGM feature 30-90-second video games adapted from top developers, with patented math models to tailor game play to match player skill levels. Last November, GameCo launched America’s first casino-based VGM in Caesars Entertainment’s Atlantic City properties after winning approval from state gaming regulators.

GameCo says it expects similar regulatory approval will be granted in Connecticut soon, and the company hopes to launch nearly 20 gaming positions in the state this month. By next year, GameCo hopes to be operational in most major US gambling jurisdictions.