Global Poker League: A Few Ideas to Stir Up Some Emotion

With the Global Poker League heading directly for centre stage, Lee Davy offers an opinion on why he believes they will have to move away from the city-wide franchise to provide the main course of all sporting events: passion.

When I saw the first punch my foot stepped onto the pitch. When I saw the referee was in over his head, I broke into a gentle trot. When I saw 11 players converge angrily into my son’s space with fireworks of fists exploding around his head, I have never run so fast in my life.

As a coach of an Under 16 football side you should never be proud of violence but I was that day. All season I had worried over our inability to create the fever needed to compete. There was more oomph in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory United.

When I was a kid, I played for a team called Wyndham Boys Club and we despised a team called Bettws. When I played senior football, I played for the Cafe Royals and we hated a team called Lewistown. As a Manchester United fan, I despised Liverpool. As an England fan, I hated Germany.