High-roller sued after refusing to honor £2m Ritz Casino gambling marker

London’s Ritz Club Casino is suing property magnate Safa Abdulla Al Geabury for refusing to honor a £2m gambling marker.

According to the suit, Al Geabury (pictured) ran up £2m in losses during a single night of play at the Mayfair casino in February 2014. Geabury, a member of the club since August 2012, gave the casino a check to cover his debt, but the check bounced when casino staff attempted to deposit it the following day.

al Geabury has since refused to honor the debt on the grounds that the casino understood – or should have understood – that he was a gambling addict, yet Al Gaebury claims the casino took no steps to limit his gambling activity. A full hearing on the suit is scheduled for the end of June and High Court Justice Simler has already commissioned a psychiatric report to determine Al Geabury’s conduct on the evening in question.

The Ritz Club says Al Geabury’s debt now includes £200k in interest, which is growing at £400 per day. The casino has been down this same road before, having sued 10 welchers last year alone, including the wife of Oman’s foreign minister, who last August was ordered by the High Court to honor her own £2m marker.