History of sports betting

The history of sports betting is very interesting. Since ancient times it was difficult for a person to stay an indifferent spectator of competitive betting, he aspired to become a part of it. The kind of competition was not as important as a fact of participation in the events. At first, it was a simple betting between spectators, when the only question was who would become a winner but the complexity of betting and gambling was changing rapidly.

Even in ancient times, people couldn’t remain indifferent while watching the competition between several contenders for the winner title. It doesn’t matter what kind of competition it is, it’s very important for the punter to have a sense of involvement.

The spectator wanted to become a part of competition. At first, betting looked like a betting between spectators themselves. The only question was who would win the fight. The spectator, who guessed the winner or the final score, received the agreed amount of money. And that is where sports betting history begins.

Players could bet which of two raindrops reaches the bottom edge of the window glass first, or which of the fighting cocks will survive after the bloody fight. Since ancient times, everything could become a bet subject: homes, wives, children, cathedral’s bells and even entire states. There is a Chinese poem of the IV century BC, dedicated to two beggars, infected with the passion for dispute, who made a bet on what side the birch leaf torn from the tree, would fall. They bet their own ears. The loser resolutely cut off the ear lobes and presented them to the winner on the birch leaf.