How to build a Bitcoin culture at work

As Bitcoin gains broader adoption, and companies refine the apps and websites that service the digital currency, it’s going to be easier for customers to learn it and use for their every day activities, like gambling. But for the moment, we sit in that awkward space where Bitcoin SV already has several advantages over other payment options, but public awareness and confidence in it isn’t where it needs to be.

So what is a gambling company to do if it wants to start pushing it as a payment option? Listing it on site, providing detailed explainers, and offering deposits bonuses are all very solid steps. But in my experience, if you’re starting from scratch, the first thing you need to do is get a healthy amount of buy-in from your workforce, and that is a task in and of itself.

Luckily, in a past life, advocating Bitcoin adoption was precisely my job. So let me share with you some of the best practices and missteps I saw along the way.

Crafting your training to be as simple as possible