How To Put Your Content In The Right Context

Did you know there are over 3.5 million pieces of content being shared online every second? That’s over 200 million pieces every minute! Crazy, isn’t it? How does your brand compete with all of this content shooting out every second? How does your company deal with the ever changing landscape of online platforms that cater to this avalanche of content?!

This sounds intimidating and the reality is it can be but it doesn’t have to be. So how does your brand come out strong and resonate with an audience that is bombarded by millions of pieces of information every minute? Here’s the secret, provide the right content in the right CONTEXT.

Companies often overlook the importance of context in their content. They crow about their marketing messages as the be all and end all of perfect copy. If you still are the kind of company who only knows how to brag about what you do then boy, you better jump off that ship and catch the next CONTEXT train! And once you get on, don’t EVER, ever forget to talk to all the passengers on board!

The context of all content you create is essential to attract the attention of your audience. The only way audience will be bothered to listen to you is when you can create a connection. Neither your company nor your brand decides what’s valuable; it is your audience. When you create content which talks about your product, it is good but not necessarily for those receiving the information but when you create great content that people enjoy, that’s a win-win.