How you can keep your friends and family close online

As time goes on, the world is increasingly having its conversations online. Gambling conferences have gone digital, Presidents prefer Twitter over interviews, and family members share big news on Facebook and Instagram, rather than the hand written letters of yester-year. It’s important then that we re-learn the skills that kept us civil, and not further deepen divides that are already being created by our little digital bubbles.

To help that effort, we’ve gathered a few tips to follow so that you can keep friends and stay close with loved ones online.

Keep everything separate

Although it can be a bit annoying at times that social media has fractured itself, there’s some convenience in having different social media platforms for different purposes. LinkedIn for work, Facebook for family, Instagram for friends, and Twitter for the rest? That’s one way to do it. If you are a social media power user and have multiple platforms, you probably don’t have the same audience on all of them. Use that to your advantage, and only post what your audience would expect in each place. Family photos on FB, you’re most controversial opinions on Twitter and you should be fine.