Illegal HUD use on under investigation

Professional poker player Tommy Chen is on the hot seat after being caught using a third party software on one of Nevada’s regulated online poker sites,

Chen, using the screen name “BTCBLADE,” was caught after making the mistake of streaming a session on Twitch in which he was using an heads-up display (HUD). This was then brought to the attention of WSOP officials.

Another poker player Randy Dorfman, using his Twitter, has posted a screenshot of poker videos posted by Chen on his account, asking for explanation from WSOP. The inquiry led to a few exchanged tweets between Dorfman and Head of Online Poker at WSOP Bill Rini.

Although WSOP’s terms and condition stated that “use of any software, program or robot which in the Company’s opinion is endowed with artificial intelligence or any external devices, programs or applications” could lead to ban or termination of the user’s account, the company decided to just issue a warning and send the issue to Nevada Gaming Commission.