Japan residents take casino crash course ahead of IR opening

A growing number of residents in Japan have been enrolling in casino schools in anticipation of the opening of integrated resorts in the land of the rising sun.

The Agence France Presse reported that Japanese casino schools have seen meteoric rise in the number of enrollees wanting to learn how to deal baccarat games, spin the roulette wheel and supervise betting on the green baize tables. Casino school owner Masayoshi Oiwane pointed out that more Japanese are hoping to land a job in the lucrative gambling industry based on the “unprecedented level of enrollment momentum.”

In pitching for the passage of the Integrated Resorts Implementation Bill (IR Bill), Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe argued that the integrated resorts will help attract foreign investments, which, in turn, will boost the country’s economy.

The opening of casino resorts in Japan will also create new employment and culture, fueling the country’s international competitive power, according to Abe.