Liv Boeree & REG: Doing Good With Poker

Liv Boeree and Raising for Effective Giving continue to promote poker in a positive light with a well thought out speech at the recent Effective Altruism Global Summit this summer.

There is a saying that you are the total of the five people you spend the most time with. It’s an infectious little ditty, spreading from group to group, and in poker, it’s turning out to be an amazing thing.

Last week, we I you of a boxing match between Sorel Mizzi and Brian Rast. Neither Mizzi or Rast are interested in hurting each other. There is no malice. There’s no need for bodyguards. The pair fight to raise money for effective charities.

It wasn’t only Mizzi and Rast getting in on the effective charity act last week. Dan Smith and Dan Colman are also promoting a charity drive, where both players will match donations up to a total of $70,000. Smith and Colman will not be donning the boxing gloves. However, they will just be putting their hands into their pockets.