‘Nipplegate’ still haunts Justin Timberlake: A Super Bowl LII betting guide

People were left dumbfounded the last time Justin Timberlake performed during the Super Bowl halftime show 14 years ago. And it’s not because of his over-the-top showmanship or the grand production that made the infamous 2004 Super Bowl halftime show memorable.

If there’s one thing that made a mark during Timberlake’s last Super Bowl performance, it was the exposure of Janet Jackson’s breast in front of millions of football fans.

In a recent interview with Zane Lowe for Beats 1, Timberlake acknowledged that he learned lots of things from the incident and even assured football fans that history will not repeat itself when he commands the stage again during halftime of Super Bowl LII in Minnesota, on February 4.

Oddsmakers, who makes insanely long list of prop bets attached to the upcoming Super Bowl LII, cannot help but play the Timberlake’s ghost of Super Bowl past ahead of the clash between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles.