Patrick Leonard: Coping With Tilt

Lee Davy shares his tilt loaded Extended Levels experience, and asks Patrick Leonard for some advice on how to prevent a reoccurrence in the future.

In this short interview I speak to Britain’s Patrick Leonard about a period of tilt that I experienced in the Extended Levels tournament, and how it affected my subsequent play in the next hour.

Leonard, a former PocketFives world number one, playing as pads1161, proceeds to give me some great advice on how to remove ego from the situation, and to use hypnotherapy and guided meditation to cure my ills.

It was a wonderful piece of advice, from a wonderful young man, and a wonderful poker player. I would go on to make Day 2 before busting 100 off the money. Leonard would go much deeper, finishing in 22nd place after pocket queens cracked his pocket kings. I was eliminated when pocket sevens cracked my pocket kings.