Poker video blogs: Joey Ingram’s enthralling investigations

We live in a world where poker content is not just commonplace, it’s everywhere. A thousand videos of momentous occasions from poker history live on YouTube ready for you to watch at the click of a button. Subscription-based exclusive content is available at PokerGO. Each poker brand has their own channel of videos, while myriad videos appear every week thanks to bloggers such as Andrew Neeme, Johnnie Vibes or Brad Owen to name just three.

Yet, surrounded by so much content, in a sea of similarity, it’s possible to stand out and carve a new niche, something that the subject of this week’s look at Poker video Blogs has achieved with unparalleled success.

Joey Ingram, also known as ‘Papi’ or ‘Chicago Joey’ has been making poker videos and putting them out there on YouTube for so long that he has become synonymous with the genre. Not only that, but he has become the award-winning focus for much of the poker world. From elite pros to recreational players and fanboys, Joey Ingram has become the touchstone for many poker fans interpretations of the latest industry events, from tournament titles to controversial court cases.

Let’s look at just a few of the numbers when it comes to Chicago Joey.