PokerStars hire AI experts to help drive innovation

After PokerStars hire a couple of AI experts, Lee Davy, goes off on one about the end of the world.

Imagine handing the keys to your Gmail account to a stranger. Would you do that? How about giving them to an artificial intelligent (AI) algorithm?

Between 2008 & 2012 a study group at the University of Cambridge asked 86,220 Facebook users to complete a 100-page personality questionnaire to determine how well they knew a work colleague, friend, family member or spouse.

They set an AI the same task by analysing the number of “Likes’ a person had made on their Facebook feeds. The AI only had to examine ten Likes to out-predict work colleagues. 70 likes to do better than friends, 150 Likes to perform better than family members, and 300 Likes before