PokerStars PCA Report: Jake Cody on home, sticking his neck out, and more

Lee Davy spends 20-minutes with the PokerStars Ambassador, Jake Cody, to talk about his hometown of Rochdale, his inner conflict on being more outspoken, and more.

When I Google the word Rochdale, I learn that the outdoor market will no longer open on a Friday. The Operations Director in Rochdale’s Development Agency said it’s down to low trading numbers.

I imagine Jake Cody pretending he’s a 5,000 lb white rhinoceros, running around that market, with a thorn from a rosebush stuck to his nose with spit. Who would have thought back then, watching his mother picking up trainers he didn’t want to wear that he would make millions of dollars playing cards.

[Image credit: Neil Stoddart]