Portugal joins SCOOP; UFC-branded Spin & Gos in the offing; Jones leaves

Three tales from the world of PokerStars neatly knitted together with the grace of a household fire insurance claim including Portuguese masses joining the French and Spain for the Spring Championship of Online Poker, hot gossip on UFC branded Spin & Gos, and a fond farewell for Lee Jones. 

In Portugal, you can chop a line of coke along the Ten Commandments and sniff every speck. You can fill a hypodermic full of heroin, and spend a few hours with Mother Superior. And from March 24 to April 11, you can compete in the PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP).

The Portuguese may be Usain Bolt ahead when it comes to destroying archaic drug laws and creating world-class footballers, but they’ve been behind the curve when it comes to embracing the benefits of the world’s largest online poker room this side of a solar flare.

Between March 24 and April 11, PokerStars roll out the world-famous SCOOP brand across their Southern European market. It will be the second time the gunslingers of France and Spain have taken potshots at each other across this beast and the first for online poker players in Portugal.