Proposed casino fees for locals comes back from the grave in Philippine House

In what could be described as a knee-jerk reaction to last week’s Resorts World Manila (RWM) casino rampage, Philippine legislators are now reviving an old proposal to impose a hefty entrance fee on locals going to casinos.

Interaksyon reported that Isabela House Rep. Rodolfo Albano has filed a bill seeking to impose a P3,000 entrance fee going to “any and all casinos and similar gaming establishments for the purpose of engaging in gambling and other related gaming activities.”

A similar piece of legislation sponsored by Misamis Oriental Rep. Peter Unabia wants to slap P3,500 casino entrance fee for local gamblers with gross income amounting to P50,000 and above. The bill, on the other hand, will spare foreign tourists from these fees as they will be allowed to enter all gambling facilities in the country for free.

The imposition of the fee, according to Albano, is to “ensure that persons entering any and all casinos have the resources to engage in any form of gambling and related activities” as well as “to strengthen the regulation of gambling activity in the country.”