Racism allegations hunt Philly casino developer Cordish Gaming

Baltimore-based Cordish Gaming is being hunted by racism allegations from its other developments in Louisville, Kentucky, and Kansas City, as it plans to build a casino in Philadelphia.

Cordish Gaming presented an overview of its master plan for its Live Hotel and Casino to Philadelphia Planning Commission on Tuesday. The $425m proposal for the south side’s stadium district includes 2,000 slots and electronic gaming tables, restaurants, and a multi-level parking garage that can accommodate 3000 vehicles, double the 1800 parking space required by the commission.

During the informational-only presentation, Pennsylvania chapter of the National Action Network Chairwoman Paula Peebles brought up the discrimination lawsuits against the casino’s developer and Philly leaders’ lack of concern for the lawsuits.

“Racial discrimination that has been indicated by 24 former employees regarding the former Cordish casinos at their Live! facilities in Louisville, Kentucky, in Kansas City, St. Louis, other places.”