Scandinavian Gaming Show summary of day two and thanks to all who attended

07 September 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

Yesterday, Eventus International closed the Scandinavian Gaming Show on a high note as attendees from across Europe were left to digest all the interesting points highlighted on the show’s programme and reconnect with all the interesting people they had met during the two-day conference.

The final day of the Scandinavian Gaming Show gave attendees the last chance to ask valuable questions to the panel of experts who spoke at the show, network with other attendees and find out more about the software and other solutions available through the event’s sponsors and exhibitors.

After a brief opening remarks from event chairwoman Christina Thakor-Rankin, the first session’s speakers were introduced to the audience and took their place on the stage. The first session was a joint presentation from representatives of Kastell, a leading legal firm based in Sweden. The topic was titled: How To Work With The New Swedish Marketing Rules.