Sleep, Eat, Grind: Love What You Do

No matter how well you’re paid, it’s tough to leave well enough alone.

I don’t remember when I started living for the weekend.

The feeling grew slowly, such that I wasn’t sure exactly what it was until it was too late – the habit was in full swing. I’m paid well, have great benefits, and have a fair bit of autonomy day-to-day in my job, but sometimes that’s not enough. I need to want to get up and go to work each day, is that too much to ask?

I’ve been living in Madison, WI for the past 13 months, grinding out a decent living working for a software company that has been rapidly outgrowing itself for the past decade. But my true passion has been trailing me far longer than my paychecks from “The Man,” filing into the IRS’ and my bank accounts, respectively.