Startup creates parimutuel gambling platform for almost everything

A new startup is innovating the gambling industry. If it takes off, that is.

Kalshi is a relatively new platform that allows gambling on virtually anything, according to the site, including political and entertainment topics, sports and more. Want to wager whether or not Cersei on Game of Thrones is pregnant? It’s there.

Kalshi was started by two computer science students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Luana Lara and Tarek Mansour. The 22-year-olds indicate that the platform can allow wagers on virtually any subject, provided it can have a clear, definitive answer.

Once a question is posted (“Will a second extension to Brexit be approved by April 12th?”), gamblers can place their bets. Any user can post a question, which will be reviewed by the site and, if determined to be easily settled, will be made live within a few hours.