Swedes overwhelmingly support reining in gambling advertising

Sweden’s new online gambling operators may lose their ability to market their products entirely if the government takes note of new survey results.

A new survey by Swedish market researchers Sifo shows more than half (53%) of Swedes believe gambling advertising should be banned. Throw in the other 30% who at least partially agree with that statement and the future of Swedish gambling advertising looks downright bleak indeed.

The survey’s other questions found similarly pejorative views, with 76% agreeing entirely with tightening the rules for gambling advertising and an additional 16% at least partially in agreement. And 87% agreed entirely with the idea that there was far too much gambling advertising, with an additional 10% at least partially concurring.

These views aren’t really anything new, as a 2018 survey found gambling industry advertising the least credible among all business sectors. A Swedish Quality Index survey last month found the gambling industry scored “very weak marks on customer satisfaction, trust and reputation.”