Swedish media website fined for linking to int’l gambling sites

A Swedish media outlet has been fined for hyperlinking to an online gambling website that lacks a Swedish gaming license.

On Friday, Sweden’s Lotteriinspektionen regulatory body announced that the Administrative Court had ordered the Nyheter24 (News24) organization to pay a fine of SEK100k (US$11,100) for refusing to remove links on its website to internationally licensed online gambling operators.

The case dates back to April 2014, when Lotteriinspektionen sought an injunction against Nyheter24 for linking to the international sites, which at the time were prohibited under Swedish law from even applying for a local online gambling license. Despite this prohibition, non-Swedish operators routinely account for over one-quarter of the country’s total gambling revenue.

Fast forward to October 2017, when the injunction against Nyheter24 came into force thanks to a Supreme Administrative Court ruling. One month later, Lotteriinspektionen found that Nyheter24 was still displaying the hyperlinks, prompting the regulator to ask the court to bring down their financial penalty hammer. Lotteriinspektionen also went after a number of other media outlets that continued to ignore its warnings to knock it off, already.